Once we got all the boats in the water, we canoed about a mile downstream, where we camped in a field just off the river (owned by some friends of the troop), There was some pasta and hamburgers for dinner, and then most of the boys piled into a twelve man tent. There were jokes and stories and the boys managed to keep themselves awake until about 2am.
Brother Davis got pretty sick with the flu, and looked miserable. Everyone had a great breakfast, and then we took some time to decide on the activities and merit badges that we'll work on next year.
Then it was back to the river for more canoeing. Getting to the river was
a little tough because the water was so low and we had to pass our gear into the canoes down a steep bank one bag at a time. We canoed another 4.8 miles with a few breaks until we got to Jurgen's Park in Tualatin. We had hoped to go all the way to Tualatin park, but it was 2 more miles and everyone was pretty beat and Bro. Davis looked like he might puke any second. So we pulled all the gear out of the water, and halued it up a super-sttep metal ramp, and got everything back into the cars.
Bro. Homer came and helped pack up gear and get everyone back to the church, which made things a lot smoother. Big thanks to him for taking time out of his afternoon with a two-day-old baby at home, and a few soccer games to go to that he had to miss.
It was a fun trip, and one we may try again next year on a different section of the river.