Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ft. Stevens 2011 Campout

Once again we camped in Northwest Oregon, hoping to spend a day at Fort Stevens. This was the first year we tried camping at the Royce Finel BSA Camp. It is an "rustic" camp that has running water and cleared land for camping, and a few shelters, but not much else.

We arrived after dark, and had to find the trail around the lake which was about 1/2 mile. The boys had to lug in all of their gear, which was fun, until we got to some serious mud. It has been one of the wettest springs in Oregon history, and the boys were getting mud everywhere. Andrew Cichoski even lost a shoe in the mud.

The hike back to the cars the next morning was much easier since we could see the mud and avoid it. This is a beautiful camp with a really nice lake.

Mark found a salamander on the trail.

Many of the boys also got some mud on them

Next it was time to head off to Fort Stevens

We also decided to go over to the South Jetty and see some waves and play in the sand.

On the way home we stopped by the Astoria Column to look at the murals and sculpture to complete the Sculpture Merit Badge, and to throw some paper airplanes off the top. It was a pretty fun trip!

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